Now accepting new students. For ages 3-4 years, contact Dr. Lois McCoy at 410-253-9668. For grades K-3, contact Mr. Redman at 410-714-0275.

Polaris Village


A private school pursuing equitable access to an excellent, joyful, and rigorous education in pursuit of equity and justice for all our Scholars.

Welcome to

Polaris Village Academy

Polaris Village Academy (PVA) is a private school pursuing equitable access to an excellent, joyful, and rigorous education in pursuit of equity and justice for all our Scholars.

PVA aspires to provide children and their families with a full range of educational and social support programming—creating a web of support leading to the success of our children, their families and our community.

Our mission is to create a village of support for every student and family we serve through thoughtful, cohesive, and equity-minded partnerships in our community.

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Our Specialties Lie In

Our Approach


Polaris Village Academy will prepare, support, and develop children by uniting school and community resources. We believe that all children can and should becoming meaningful contributors to their community and broader society.


Polaris Village Academy’s physical place will be a joyous and inclusive learning environment where scholars of diverse cultural backgrounds can bring their authentic selves each day. It is a space where the diversity of our scholar population will be represented in our staff and in all elements of our curriculum.


We recognize the importance of providing academics and non- academic support alike. Polaris Village Academy will mobilize and organize existing resources that children and their families identify in order to support student and family success. PVA will be a hub of local resources readily available to our students and families. We recognize and the value of serving the whole child—and that it truly takes a village.

Working Strategy

Our Core Values


PVA will seek to improve by recognizing our shortcomings while celebrating the achievements of others and understanding the universal values we all share.


PVA will embody and unwavering commitment to building a community that adheres to strong moral principles.


PVA will show elasticity and recover from challenging situations by taking positive action with a sense of purpose.


PVA will recognize diversity in our school and community and is committed to the intentional work needed to achieve educational equity and inclusion, leading to a more just society.